Enter the name of the product. Special characters can be included in a product name.
Product summary
Enter a breif summary about the product. Text you entered will be displayed on the store's home page, product category page, product details page and product search page.
If you upload an image too large or small, image may be partially cut off.
Add main image
If you add one image file, the image will be resized to different sizes and added as product image, list thumbnail and gallery thumbnail.
Add individual image
You can individually add product image, catalog image and gallery thumbnail.
Add via File Uploader
Upload an image via File uploader, and add the image.
Clicking [+] button will open the [File Uploader] pop-up.
After adding an image via File Uploader, you should select the file to add as the product image in the file directory.
The size of the image will be adjusted according to the settings entered below.
When adding an image, you can set the width and height for each type of image in pixels.
Display status
Select whether to display the product on the storefront or not.
When you select [Yes], the product will be displayed on the storefront based on the settings for [Home category layout] and [Product category].
Product status
You can select the product status for the product you added.
Home category layout
Select which home category you wish to add the product to.
The requirements below must be met in order to display a product on a home category.
1) Display status must be set to [On display].
To edit the layout of home categories, go to [Products > Product layout > Home page category layout].
Product category
Select a product category to which you will add the product.
Product categories added in [Products>Product categories] will be displayed. You can search for specific product categories by entering the name of the category in the search box. Only the main categories will be displayed and you can see subcategories added under a main category by clicking [+] icon on the left.
The categories you selected on the left box will be displayed on the right.
When you click [Manage product categories] button, [Product categories] page where you can add, delete and change the order of product categories will be opened in a new window.
Enter the cost of the product.
Enter the MSRP of the product.
When [Yes] is selected for [Enable option]Options
Options can be added for products that can be sold in different variations. Size and color are common examples of options.
Option names and option values cannot contain commas, semicolons and double quotation marks.
Add options more easily by importing option information added as templates.
Adding options
1) Select an option template or manually enter option names and option values.
2) Click [Create variants] button
Inventory tracking
When [Yes] is selected for [Track inventory], [Display out-of-stock icon when stock is zero] is checked and 0 is entered, the product will be displayed as out of stock.
Product is deducted from inventory when payment is confirmed. (When payment is confirmed for bank deposit or virtual account)
Inventory will be tracked at a product level, not at a variant level.
When [No] is selected for [Enable option]Custom text field
Add a custom text field where customers can enter text.
When [Custom settings] is selectedTemplates
Click [Templates] to select and apply a shipping template you saved.
Clicking [Templates] button will open a pop-up where you can add, edit or delete a template.
Shipping method
Select how you would want to ship your product.
Shipping fee
Free shipping: No shipping fee is charged.
Fixed fee: Shipping fee specified by the admin is charged for all orders regardless of purchase amount.
By purchase amount: If the customer's purchase amount is less than the specified purchase amount, shipping fee is charged as specified. Shipping is free if the customer's purchase amount is greater than the specified purchase amount.
Tiered shipping rates (by amount): Shipping fee specified by purchase amount range is charged. Shipping is free if the customer's purchase amount is greater than the maximum value in the purchase amount range.
Tiered shipping rates (by weight): Specified shipping fee is charged based on the weight range entered. Shipping will be free if the total weight of the products purchased is greater than the maximum value in the weight range.
Tiered shipping rates (by quantity): Specified shipping fee is charged based on the quantity range entered. Shipping will be free if the number of products purchased is greater than the maximum value in the quantity range.
In proportion to quantity: Specified shipping fee is charged in proportion to the number of products purchased by the customer.
Save as template
Save the information you entered as a template by checking the box after entering the template name.
You can easily apply the shipping information for a product by importing the template you saved.
Select a supplier for the product. Clicking [Add] button will open a pop-up where you can add a supplier.
Select a manufacturer for the product. Clicking [Add] button will open a pop-up where you can add a manufacturer.
You can add an image that will be placed on your product image to show dynamic text content.
If [Set display period] is not checked, badges you added will be displayed for an unlimited period of time.
Sample images provided by Cafe24 can be used, or you can upload your own images by clicking [Custom image].
Storefront pages where badges can be displayed include home page, product list page, product details page, zoomed-in images, campaigns, and product search results page.
When you change or delete badges, changes you make will be applied to all other products to which the badge is applied.
For images to be used as badges, GIF or PNG file with transparent background is recommended.
Note that if characters other than alphabet letters or numbers such as special characters or spaces are included in the file name, the file may not be attached.
When you check the icon you wish to use, the icon you selected will appear next to the product name.
If [Set display period] is not checked, icons you added will be displayed for an unlimited period of time.
Sample images provided by Cafe24 can be used, or you can upload your own images by clicking [Custom image].
You can add up to 100 icons and use up to 5 icons at once.
Policy templates
When you select [Apply default template], default template will be applied. When you select [Use custom template], a text editor will appear where you can manually enter policies for your store.
You can easily apply store policies for a product by importing the template you saved.
Search Engine Optimzation (SEO)
If you select [Yes], your products will become visible in search engines such as Google.
It may take up to 2 to 3 weeks on average to see the results of SEO depending on the search engine's crawl frequency.
Browser title: Title
Enter the text that will be displayed as the web page title in the search results and appear in the tab of your browser.
Title should be concise, yet descriptive enough to provide a brief overview of your web page.
Meta tag 1: Author
Enter the author of the website or website page.
Meta tag 2: Description
Enter a brief description about your website page. This tag should be a short paragraph, containing about 1 or 2 sentences.
Meta tag 3: Keywords
Enter keywords most likely to be typed in by the users and keywords related to the web page.
Alt text for product image
Since images cannot be displayed on a search engine's search results page, alt text should be inserted in image tags to provide a description of the image you wish to show.
Alt text will be applied to product images displayed on the store's home page, product category page, product details page and product search page.
Available variables
A list of variables you can use for browser title, meta tags and alt text for product image will be displayed when you click [Available variables] button.