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Testing the features

  • Check whether Review Talk Talk is correctly applied to your storefront.

Testing features

1) Write a review
  1. [1-1] Product details page
  1. 1) Click on [Write a review] at the bottom of the page.

  1. 2) Write a review.

  1. 3) Check the review you wrote.

  1. 4) Click on an image thumbnail to check whether the “Image Gallery” feature works correctly.

• Q&A
  • “An alert pops up in the product details page saying I cannot write a review.” Or “I don’t have a [Write a review] button in [My orders].”

  • The original review board will still be visible on the product details page and the "Write a review" button for the original review board will also be accessible in [My Orders].
  1. [RelatedPage ]

  1. [1-2] My Orders
  1. 1) After ordering a product, go to [My Orders] and click on [Write a review].

  1. 2) Write a review.
2) Check the review list
  1. 1) Click on [See all] at the bottom of the page.

  1. 2) You will be redirected to a list of all the reviews. Check the list.
  1. • URL to [All reviews]: https://{Insert the domain name}/board/smartreview/list.html

• Q&A
  • “What is the link (URL) to the page containing the list of all the reviews?”
  • https://{Insert the domain name}/board/smartreview/list.html

  • “I want to freely set the page as a gallery or list type.”