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Customer levels

  • You can create up to 30 customer levels.
  • If you are using the [Customer level auto-update] feature, customer levels will automatically change based on purchase conditions. (If you are not using this feature, you can manually change customer levels in [Manage by customer level>Additional settings] or [Cafe24 Store>Bulk Customer Management].)
  • You can set different customer level-based discounts and points for PC and mobile purchases.
    • For mobile purchases, discounts and points are offered in addition to the general benefits given for the purchase. (*General discounts and points are offered for purchases regardless of the sales channel.)
    • You can reward points for mobile purchases only by changing your [Points for purchases] to 0.

Customer levels>Configure auto-update

  • From [Customer levels] click [Configure settings] or [Change settings]. You will be redirected to a page where you can enable the [Customer level auto-update] feature and configure related settings.
View "Configure auto-update" page (when enabled)
Level upgrade basis
  • If you change the level upgrade basis, you must reset it in [Customers>Manage customers>Customer levels].
  • Purchase amount: Customer level is automatically updated based on the customer's purchase amount.
  • Purchase amount and number of purchases: Customer level is automatically updated only when both the customer's purchase amount and number of purchases match the requirements.
  • Purchase amount or number of purchases: Customer level is automatically updated when either the customer's purchase amount or number of purchases matches the requirements. In this case, it will be upgraded to the level with the highest priority offered by either of the two conditions.
Define purchase amount
  • Total amount paid: This is the actual amount paid by customers. It is calculated by deducting all discounts, coupons, points, and credits from the order total.
  • Order total: This is the sum of the cart subtotal and the total shipping fee.
Define number of purchases
  • Number of orders: Number of orders made by a customer
  • Number of items: Number of items purchased by a customer
Purchase conditions
  • If you use [Delivered orders] instead of [Paid orders] here, you may find that the calculated amount is very different from the total amount paid that is shown in customer account details since all the canceled/refunded payments are deducted.
Update frequency
  • You can choose to base the updates based on data accumulated over the past 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months, 24 months, or 36 months.
  • Your update frequency must be shorter than the period over which data is accumulated.

Customer levels

  • These are the customer levels you added to your store. You can check the list of customers added to each level, edit customer level details and add new levels.

Customer levels - Manual mode

Customer levels - Automatic mode
  • When the [Customer level auto-update] feature is activated, you must assign a priority level to each customer level. Input numbers in an ascending order, starting with the most important level.
  • Configure customer level conditions and customer level priorities, then click [Activate auto-update]. Customer levels will be updated on the next scheduled update date.
  • How to use an admin-only customer level (fixed level): (1) Place the level\'s priority right above that of the lowest level. (2) Set the purchase amount as "[blank] or more and less than [0]" without any other conditions. (3) Search for the customer accounts you want to add to this level and fix them to it.
Additional points for mobile purchases
  • Customers who make a mobile purchase will receive both the points offered for purchases and the additional points for mobile purchases.
Additional discount for mobile purchases
  • Customers who make a mobile purchase will receive both the discount offered for purchases and the additional discount for mobile purchases.

Customer levels > Customer level

  • If you click [Customer levels>Customer level>Customer level name], [Customer levels>Edit customer levels] page will appear for you to change settings for the relevant level.
[Edit customer levels] page
Discount priority
  • Set rules for applying [Customer level-based discount] when customers purchase products with [Product-based discount].
  • If you select [Both], [Product-based discount] and [Customer level-based discount] will both be applied at the same time.
  • If you select [Customer level-based discount only], [Product-based discount] will not be applied and [Customer level-based discount] will prevail.
  • If you select [Product-based discount only], [Customer level-based discount] will not be applied and [Product-based discount] will prevail.
  • However, if there are products with no [Product-based discount] in the same cart, [Customer level-based discount] will be applied for the relevant products.
Discount for purchases Rounding rule
  • If you select [Do not round], 1,189 will remain the same.
  • If you select [Round to the nearest 10], 1,289 will become 1,290.
  • If you select [Round to the nearest 100], 1,289 will become 1,300.
  • If you select [Round to the nearest 1000], 1,289 will become 1,000.
When you provide discount or issue points by percentage
  • When you select [Both], the base amount for [Customer level-based discount] is the cart subtotal subtracting any [Product-based discount].
  • When you select [Customer level-based discount only], the base amount for [Customer level-based discount] is the cart subtotal.
  • When you select [Product-based discount only], the base amount of [Customer level-based discount] for products without [Product-based discount] is the product subtotal of the relevant products.
  • If you do not add a maximum discount amount (or if you make it 0), the discount % will be applied to all orders, regardless of the discount amount.
When you provide discount or issue points by fixed amount
  • If you select [Product-based discount only], [Customer level-based discount] will not be applied and [Product-based discount] will prevail.
  • When a customer only purchases products without product-based discount applied, customer level-based discount will be applied.
Additional discount for mobile purchases
  • Default discount and additional discount for mobile shopping will be offered to customers who place orders via mobile.
  • Points for purchases and additional points for mobile purchases will be rewarded to customers who place orders via mobile.
Rounding rule
  • If you select [Do not round], 1,189 will remain the same.
  • If you select [Round to the nearest 10], 1,289 will become 1,290.
  • If you select [Round to the nearest 100], 1,289 will become 1,300.
  • If you select [Round to the nearest 1000], 1,289 will become 1,000.
When you provide discount or issue points by percentage
  • When you select [Both], the base amount for [Customer level-based discount] is the cart subtotal subtracting any [Product-based discount].
  • When you select [Customer level-based discount only], the base amount for [Customer level-based discount] is the cart subtotal.
  • When you select [Product-based discount only], the base amount of [Customer level-based discount] for products without [Product-based discount] is the product subtotal of the relevant products.
  • If you do not add a maximum discount amount (or if you make it 0), the discount % will be applied to all orders, regardless of the discount amount.
When you provide discount or issue points by fixed amount
  • If you select [Product-based discount only], [Customer level-based discount] will not be applied and [Product-based discount] will prevail.
  • When a customer only purchases products without product-based discount applied, customer level-based discount will be applied.
Customer level image
  • The relevant customer level image will by displayed in product details page, Shopping cart, and My shopping.

Customer levels>Add level

  • If you click [Customer levels>Add level], you will be redirected to a page where you can add a new customer level.
View "Add customer level" page
If you enable the [Customer level auto-update] feature, you can configure an auto-update basis based on these settings.
Display incentive details even when [No incentives] is selected
  • When discounts/points are applied to certain customer levels, the details of incentives are also displayed in Shopping cart and My shopping.
  • When [Do not display] is selected, customer level will only be displayed without incentive details.
  • To change settings for displaying customer level, go to [My Store>Store setup>General settings>Customers>Display customer level].
  • Select whether to display incentive details on storefront even when [No incentives] is selected for [Incentives for purchases].
  • Incentive details will be displayed regardless of the display settings, if incentives are offered.

Default customer level

Default customer level
  • When you designate a level for new customers, all new customers will be added to that level by default.
  • If you wish to reward exclusive incentives for new customers, it is recommended to designate a specific level with incentives.
  • If you do not wish to reward exclusive incentives for new customers, designate a level with no additional discount or reward incentives.

Admin/Guest account icons

Admin/Guest account icons
  • Add or edit icons for guest account, head admin, and sub-admin.
  • To change settings for customer level icons, go to [Customers>Manage customers>Customer levels].