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Account signup fields

  • Select fields for customers to complete upon signup.
  • Manage and customize your account signup fields.

Account signup fields

  • Manage the fields customers need to enter upon signup.
  • Settings for fields indicated as required cannot be changed. For other fields, you can edit the settings to make them required or optional.
Social media signup
  • To use a field in the social media signup, the same field must be enabled in the general account signup.
  • Password policy includes the following rules:
    • Cannot contain 4 or more identical characters in a row.
    • Cannot contain 4 or more letters or numbers in a sequence.
    • Cannot contain 4 or more keyboard keys in a sequence.
    • Cannot be your ID or contain your ID.
    • Special characters allowed
      1. ~ ` ! @ # $ % ^ ( ) * _ - = { } [ ] | ; : < > , ? /
  • Email address is required since it is used in many occasions including notification on order and shipping, account verification, ID/PW verification, and notification on campaigns.
  • If you wish to check duplicate emails for social logins check the box in the [Social media signup] column. If you do not check this box, accounts will be created without checking duplicate emails.
Notification to change password
  • For customers who have not changed their password for longer than the period set in [Notification to change password], a page to change password will be loaded automatically upon login.
Security question/answer for password
  • Customers will be verified by answering security question in order to find their password.
Address 1/2
  • If you do not collect address information upon signup, customers will have to enter it upon order placement.
"Use" as account verification method
  • If you choose to use email addresses as an account verification method, email addresses will be used as a verification method when customers create an account or edit their information. (Except for corporate customers)
  • This verification method uses the customers email address to verify information. A verification code is sent to their email address.
  • If you choose to allow account registrations based on email addresses, we recommend you also use email addresses as an account verification method.
  • When choose to use email addresses as an account verification method, customers are only able to create an account or edit their information using a valid email address.

Account signup fields > Additional information

Additional information
  • Categorize customers into different groups by collecting and analyzing additional information. Offer more specific services to meet their different demands.
Referrer ID
  • Go to [Promotions>Referral program] to change settings for referral program.

Account signup fields > Additional fields

  • Additional fields can be provided in addition to [Basic information] and [Additional information].
  • Enter or select [Field name], [Required/Optional], [Additional settings] (Text box, Radio button, Check box), and/or option values.
  • Click [Add] to add more additional fields.
Additional fields
  • Settings for additional field 5 to 15 cannot be edited once saved.