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Login log

  • Check customer login details and suspicious logins and utilize them for making decisions.
Login log Customer logins
  • Check the list of IP accessed to your store and their login time.
  • Block or unblock IP for access.
Suspicious logins
  • Login attempts are considered suspicious when five or more IDs have accessed through the same IP address. For more accuracy, the date can only be changed once a day.
  • However, customers using a router can also be mistakenly considered suspicious. Take this fact into consideration when blocking IP or adding customers to the blocklist.
Customer logins
  • Click [Block IP] to restrict the relevant accounts from accessing your store.
Suspicious logins
  • [Add to blocklist] - Select an account, among suspicious logins, that seems necessary to be blocked and add it to the blocklist.
  • [Related details] - The CRM pop-up will appear where you can check the relevant order history and points record.