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Edit themes with Edibot Themes

  • Through this editing tool, you can design your store without having much professional knowledge on HTML.
  • Simply drag and drop components to change their location in order to build your store with the design you want.

What is Edibot Themes?

  • Edibot Themes allows you to build your own store with the design you want by simply using Drag and Drop feature.
  • You can complete your own design without preparing any HTML codes and simply utilizing various components already offered by the service.
    1. [What is a component? ]
  • Edibot Themes provides a variety of default themes for free. They are compatible with major store features and most relevant to the current trend.
  • All stores are provided to be responsive to different devices including mobile, PC, and tablet. Therefore, you only need one theme to display it in various devices.

Use Edibot Themes

Add default theme
  • Click [Add theme] in Edibot Themes banner in [Themes (PC)>Dashboard] to add a default theme with Edibot Themes.
  • Click [Add default theme] in [My themes>Saved themes] and select [Edibot Themes] for [Editor type] before saving.
Edit with Edibot Themes
  • If the theme is the main theme, click [Edit themes] in [Themes (PC)>Dashboard] to edit.
  • If the theme is not the main theme, click [Edit] in [Themes (PC)>My themes>Saved themes] to edit.
Responsive theme settings
  • To enable themes to be responsive, select [No] for [Enable mobile theme] in [Themes (Mobile)>Mobile theme settings].

Page configuration