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Coupon settings

  1. Set up incentives exclusively for shoppers that use your app.
  • Plus App coupons: App installation, Notification opt-in, Plus App order
  • Plus App points: App installation, Notification opt-in, Plus App order
  • Plus App discounts: Plus App discounts
Plus App coupons
  • Check the list of Plus App coupons you created.
  • Create coupons that are issued when your app is installed, when a user opt-in for notifications or when an order is placed through your app.
  • Note that if you create more that one app installation coupon, they will all be issued to customers. Same goes for notification opt-in coupons and Plus App order coupons.
Create coupon
  • Depending on the coupon type that you chose, certain options will automatically be selected.
  • Coupons created in [Promotions>Coupons>Create coupon] with the following conditions, can be used in your app.

Create coupon > General

Incentive type
  • Discount by amount/Discount by percentage/Point by amount/Point by percentage/Shipping fee discount: These are the coupons that customers can use during checkout.
  • Instant reward: When the customer clicks [Use] in [My coupons], the points are instantly rewarded.
  • Discount by percentage: For [Do not round], the numbers after the decimal point will automatically be dropped.
  • Shipping fee discount: This coupon will offer a discount on default shipping fees.
  • You can decide whether to apply this discount to regional surcharges and international shipping.
Issuance type
  • Customer-specific coupon: Coupon is offered to customers selected by the admin.
  • Auto-issued coupon: Automatically issue coupons based on the selected conditions.
  • Downloadable coupon: Customers can download the coupon directly from the product details page.
Issue coupons
  • Choose when to start displaying or issuing the coupon. (You need to manually issue coupons if you select [Customer-specific coupon] for the issuance type.)
  • When you select [At a specific date and time], make sure you choose a time slot later than the current one if you select “Today” as the start date.
    1. e.g., If you are saving the settings at 12:08, you cannot set the start time as 12:00. You must change the time to 13:00 to proceed.
  • Remember that, when you select [At a specific date and time] for the issuance date and [Valid through the end of the issuing month] for the validity, the coupon will expire at the end of the month in which it was issued.
Maximum quantity per issuance
  • When you select [Issue a specific amount], coupons will be issued according the amount specified.
  • If you select [Issue a specific amount], make sure you enter a number that is lower than [Limit number of coupons in total] and [Limit to one issuance per customer].
  • When the number for [Limit number of coupons in total] is smaller than [Issue a specific amount], the quantity of coupons issued will be the quantity entered for [Limit number of coupons in total].
  • When [Limit to one issuance per customer] is set to [Yes], only one coupon will be issued regardless of the [Issue a specific amount] settings.
  • e.g., If you enter “5”, five same coupons will be issued at once.
Issuance criteria
  • Select whether to issue one coupon per order, or one coupon per items ordered.
  • If you select [Based on number of orders], coupons will be issued based on the value in [Maximum quantity per issuance]. (Maximum quantity per issuance<=Limit to one issuance per customer)
  • If you select [Based on number of coupon-applicable products], coupons will be issued according to the number of products. (No. of coupon-applicable products*Maximum quantity per issuance <= No. of coupon-applicable products*Limit to one issuance per customer)
Limit to one issuance per customer
  • You can choose whether to allow issuing the same coupon multiple times to the same customer. If you select [No], you can select how many times the same coupon can be issued.
Requirements for reissuance
  • App installation coupons are only offered once to customers who download your app and log in.
  • Notification opt-in coupons are only offered once to customers who turn on their notifications for your app.

Create coupon > Usage conditions

  • Set validity: Regardless of the issuance date, the coupon is valid during the designated period and time.
  • Valid for: The coupon is valid for the number of days entered.
    1. e.g., If you issue a coupon at 10 AM on August 1 and enter 7 as the number of days, the coupon will be valid until 10 AM on August 8.
  • Valid through the end of the issuing month: The coupon will be valid until the last day of the month when the coupon is issued.
    1. e.g., If coupon is issued on January 13, it will be valid from January 13 to January 31.
Coupon type
  • [Checkout coupons] can be applied when a customer buys products eligible for coupon discounts together with products not eligible for coupon discounts. However, discounts will only be applied to the eligible products.
Applicable categories
  • Unless you select [All], the coupon cannot be applied to a product bundle (pay-per-product-selected).
Minimum purchase amount
  • The minimum purchase amount is based on the total amount due after all discounts are applied (product discounts and customer discounts).
  • The coupon can only be applied if the discounted price is greater than the minimum purchase amount.

Create coupons > Individual image settings

Individual image settings
  • You can use your own images for coupons.
  • Recommended file: GIF (216 × 105 px; Up to 500 KB)

Create coupon > Additional settings

Notify new coupons upon login
  • You can use a pop-up to notify of new coupons when customers log in.
  • Manage related settings in [Themes (PC)>Features>Pop-ups].

[HELP] Plus App coupons

1. Plus App coupons and push notifications
  • All coupons including the Plus App coupons can be managed in [Promotions>Coupons>Issued coupons].
  • You can change the settings for push notification for new coupons in <b>Customers>Messages>Automated messages</b>.
  • We recommend that you select [From issue date] for the coupon expiration date settings.
2. Issuance requirements for Plus App coupons App installation
  • “App installation” coupons are one-time coupons issued to shoppers who install your mobile app and log in for the first time.
  • Only one app installation coupon will be issued per user, even if you create more than one.
    1. These coupons are not withdrawn nor reissued when an app user deletes or reinstalls your mobile app.
  • Installation coupons are only issued to users who install your app after they are created. They will not be issued to those who already have the app.
  • Coupons with the following conditions can be used as “App installation” coupons:
    1. Issuance type = Manually issued
    1. Issuance type = Immediately
    1. Additional requirement = Plus App > Install Plus App
Notification opt-in
  • “Notification opt-in” coupons are issued to users who allow notifications from your mobile app.
  • These coupons are not withdrawn nor reissued when app users change their push notification settings.
  • Coupons with the following conditions can be used as “Notification opt-in” coupons:
    1. Issuance type = Manually issued
    1. Issuance type = Immediately
    1. Additional requirement = Plus App > Notification opt-in
Plus App order
  • “Plus App order” coupons are issued to users who place an order through your mobile app. These coupons may be withdrawn if the customer cancels/exchanges/returns the order.
  • Coupons with the following conditions can be used as “Plus App order” coupons:
    1. Issuance type = Auto-issued coupon>When an order is delivered/When an order is placed/To first-time customers/When a customer purchases a required number of products
    1. Issue for = Plus App