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Points settings

  1. Set up incentives exclusively for shoppers that use your app.
  • Plus App coupons: App installation, Notification opt-in, Plus App order
  • Plus App points: App installation, Notification opt-in, Plus App order
  • Plus App discounts: Plus App discounts
Plus App points
Points issued for installing Plus App
  • Choose whether to issue points to users who install your app and the amount you wish to offer.
Points for notification opt-ins
  • Choose whether to issue points to users who turn the notifications on for your app and the amount you wish to offer.
Points for Plus App orders
  • Choose whether to issue points to customers who place an order through your app and the amount you wish to offer.
  • Note that when you issue points as a percentage of the product subtotal, the cart subtotal is simply the sum of product prices. This value does not include shipping fees, discounts or additional payments.
  • The following three settings in [My Store>Store setup>Points] also affect Plus App points: “Issue points”, “Rounding”, and “Convert pending points to available points”.
Minimum purchase amount
  • The purchase amount must be at least equal to this value for the customer to receive the Plus App points.
  • The minimum purchase amount is simply the sum of product prices. This value does not include shipping fees, discounts or additional payments.

[HELP] Plus App points

1. App installation
  • “App installation” points are issued once to shoppers who install your mobile app and log in for the first time.
  • These points are not recaptured nor reissued when an app user deletes or reinstalls your mobile app.
  • These points are only issued to users who install your app after you changed these settings. They will not be issued to those who already have the app.
2. Notification opt-in
  • “Notification opt-in” points are issued once to users who allow notifications from your mobile app for the first time.
  • These points are not recaptured nor reissued when app users change their push notification settings.
  • These points are only issued to users who turn on the notifications for your app after you changed these settings. They will not be issued to those who already had their notifications on.
3. Plus App orders
  • Pending points are issued to customers who have placed an order through your app. Customers will be able to use these points once their order is delivered.
  • The cart subtotal (the issuance rate's base amount) and the minimum purchase amount are simply the sum of product prices. These values do not include shipping fees, discounts or additional payments.
  • The following three settings in [My Store>Store setup>Points] also affect Plus App points.
  • Issue points: The date on which customers can start using the points they earned.
  • Rounding: The rounding rule required when points are issued based on an issuance rate.
  • Convert pending points to available points: The date based on which points are issued.
  • Plus App points are issued to app users regardless of the other point rewards your store may offer.