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Hourly analysis

  • Search for data related to logins, account creations, payments and refunds according to the time of the day.
  • Search for information according to your search conditions and download details on sales by time of the day.
  • The results shown under this menu are based on data collected every hour.

Search field

Date range
  • The maximum date range is one year.


  • This shows the results of your search in a bar chart.
  • You can use the different tabs to check the number of logins, the number of new customer accounts, the number of products paid the amount paid, the number of products refunded and the amount refunded.
  • The chart shows the results by hour of the day. The details are based on data collected one hour prior to your search.

  • You can check the data per time of the day through this chart.
  • While your search results are shown as a bar chart, you can hover your mouse over the graphs for further details.


Details Number of logins
  • This is the number of customers who have logged in for the relevant day.
New customer accounts
  • This is the number of account creations for the relevant day.
Number of products paid
  • This is the total number of products purchased by customers (within an original order, added to an order and during an exchange).
Amount paid
  • This is the total amount paid for products by customers (for original orders, when adding a product to an order and for an exchange).
  • Amount paid = (Price ± Extra charge (item)) * No. of items purchased
  • Note that coupons and discounts are not reflected in this number. Although product prices may change, the price from the time of purchase will be reflected in the calculations.
Number of products refunded
  • This is the total number of products that have been refunded.
Amount refunded
  • This is the total amount of refunds relevant to the products that have been refunded.
  • Amount refunded= (Price ± Extra charge (item)) * No. of items purchased
  • Note that coupons and discounts are not reflected in this number. Although product prices may change, the price from the time of purchase will be reflected in the calculations.
  1. If the payment currency is a foreign currency, a reference amount will be calculated and displayed based on the exchange rate for the default currency.
Create CSV
  • Click this button to create a CSV file with the data.
  • You can download all created CSV files for 15 days after they have been created through the [Downloads] window. You can create as many CSV files as you wish within a day.
CSV list
  • This button will redirect you to a page containing the list of CSV files you can download.