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Sales by store

  • Check your sales information by online store.
  • Search for sales information according to your search conditions and download your sales details by store.
  • The results shown under this menu are based on data collected every hour.

Sales by store

Sales by store Common
  • Note that the values shown in [Sales] are a technical representation of the overall operating status of your store. The amounts may differ depending on collection standards and omissions and errors may occur during the collection process.
  • The data of [Sales] must only be used as reference for a better understanding of the operating situation. This data cannot be used for any other purposes (external notices, tax return, etc.).
  • Especially in the case of external notices, reports must be based on financial data such as the financial transaction details of your online store.
  • Errors may occur due to multiple collections of the same data if you undo a cancellation or change the payment status.
Data collection standard
  • Sales data is collected based on order dates, payment dates and refund dates.
  • The payment date is the day on which an order status is marked as “Preparing for shipment.” If you use the option for the “Payment confirmed” status, the latter will be considered as the payment date.
Net sales and refund corrections
  • Every day at 00:00, the data relevant to the previous day is corrected.
  • The previous day’s data may change if a cancellation has been undone or a payment status has been changed.
Comparing orders
  • If you wish to compare the data from [Sales] with the order history, go to [Orders>Fulfillment>All orders] and search for orders by order date or payment date.
-Note that the refund amount is reflected on the payment date for [Fulfillment] and the refund date in [Analytics] due to differences in data collection standards between [Fulfillment] and [Analytics].
  1. e.g. May 5th: paid → May 7th: marked as refunded In [Orders>Fulfillment>All orders], the amount will be reflected on values for May 5th, while it will be reflected on values for May 7th in [Orders>Analytics].

Search field

  • Set up the search conditions of your choice to check your sales data by store.
  • Select a date range for your search results.
Date range
  • The maximum date range is one year.

Sales by store

  • This shows the results of your search in a table.
  • While data related to orders is collected in real time, net data and refund details are collected every 1 hour.
Create CSV
  • Click this button to create a CSV file with the data.
  • You can download all created CSV files for 15 days after they have been created through the [Downloads] window. You can create as many CSV files as you wish within a day.
CSV list
  • This button will redirect you to a page containing the list of CSV files you can download.