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Order details

Order details

  • This pop-up appears when you click each order number displayed in [Orders] and allows you to view order details and change their respective status.


Add product to shipment
  • Unshipped products can be added to any shipment numbers subject to partial shipment among those under the same order number.
  • [Add product to shipment] is made available only when there are any products marked as [In transit] under the corresponding order number, and only the checkbox for applicable products will be activated.
Conditions where [Add product to shipment] is allowed
  • Products without shipment numbers marked as [Payment confirmed], [Preparing for shipment], or [Pending shipment]
  • Products marked as [Awaiting shipment] where shipment numbers have been saved
Conditions where [Add product to shipment] is not allowed
  • Products marked as [Awaiting payment]
  • Products with shipment numbers marked as [In transit]
  • Select products to add to existing shipments and click [Add product to shipment] to access the [Add product to shipment] pop-up.
  • Access the [Add product to shipment] pop-up where you can add products to existing shipments.
Confirm payment
  • Displayed only when there are orders marked as [Awaiting payment].
  • If you click [Confirm payment], the order status [Awaiting payment] will change to [Payment confirmed] or [Preparing for shipment].
Cancel order
  • You can cancel or partially cancel orders.
  • Click the [Cancel order] button to access a pop-up where you can process cancellation requests.
  • Accepted cancellation requests are listed in the [Canceled] tab.
  • You can exchange or partially exchange order items.
  • Click the [Exchange] button to access a pop-up where you can process exchange requests.
  • If there is no extra charge incurred by an exchange for another product, the status will change to [Exchanged]. Otherwise, those products will be displayed as [Awaiting payment] in the [Order details] tab.
  • For exchanges that require any refund, they will be displayed under [Awaiting refund] tab in [Orders>Cancellations/Exchanges/Returns/Refunds>Refunds].
  • If coupons or points were used for the original order, the relevant details will also be applied in the exchange pop-up.
  • Accepted exchange requests are listed in the [Exchanged] tab.
  • You can return or partially return order items.
  • Click the [Return] button to access a pop-up where you can process return requests.
  • Accepted return requests are listed in the [Returned] tab.
Add products to an existing order
  • Upon customer requests, the admin can immediately add products to an existing order.
  • Click [Add products to an existing order] to access a pop-up where you can add products to an existing order.
  • Added products will be added as orders marked as [Awaiting payment].
Order Status
  • Order status will be displayed according to each item code.
  • Click [Order status] to access the order fulfillment record pop-up where you can check order history until the delivery is complete.
Order details
  • You can check information about the corresponding order number and the number of products ordered.
  • View cancellation requests made by customers in online stores and those accepted by the merchant
  • The [Proceed] button is displayed when the status is [Requested]. Click the button to access a pop-up where you can process cancellation requests.
  • When the status is [In progress] or [Canceled], the [Details] button will be displayed. Click the button to access the cancellation details pop-up.
  • If coupons or points were used at the time of purchase, the settings provided in the cancellation details pop-up will apply.
  • View exchange requests made by customers in online stores and those accepted by the merchant
  • The [Proceed] button is displayed when the status is [Requested]. Click the button to access a pop-up where you can process exchange requests.
  • When the status is [In progress] or [Exchanged], the [Details] button will be displayed. Click the button to access the exchange details pop-up.
  • If there is no extra charge incurred by an exchange for another product, the status will change to [Exchanged]. Otherwise, those products will be displayed as [Awaiting payment].
  • For exchanges that require any refund, they will be displayed under [Awaiting refund] tab in [Orders>Cancellations/Exchanges/Returns/Refunds>Refunds].
  • If coupons or points were used for the original order, the relevant details will also be applied in the exchange pop-up.
  • View return requests made by customers in online stores and those accepted by the merchant
  • The [Proceed] button is displayed when the status is [Requested]. Click the button to access a pop-up where you can process return requests.
  • When the status is [In progress] (awaiting pickup), the [Details] and [Mark as picked up] buttons will be displayed. Click the [Mark as picked up] button to change the status to [In progress] (awaiting refund).
  • When the status is [In progress] (awaiting refund) or [Returned], the [Details] button will be displayed. Click the button to access the return details pop-up.
  • When marked as [In progress] (awaiting refund), orders will be displayed in [Orders>Fulfillment>Cancellations/Exchanges/Returns/Refunds>Refunds]. When marked as [Refunded], the status will finally change to [Returned].
  • If coupons or points were used at the time of purchase, the settings provided in the return details pop-up will apply.
  • View all refunds made for cancellation, exchange, and return. You can check the refund process and details on refund.
  • The [Proceed] button is displayed when the status is [Awaiting refund] and [On hold]. Click the button to access a pop-up where you can process refund requests.
  • Click [Refunded] in [Orders>Fulfillment>Cancellations/Exchanges/Returns/Refunds>Refunds] to immediately complete the refund process.
  • When the status is [Refunded], the [Details] button will be displayed. Click the button to access the [Details on refund] pop-up.
  • When marked as [Refunded] in [Orders>Fulfillment>Cancellations/Exchanges/Returns/Refunds>Refunds], the status will also change to [Canceled], [Exchanged], or [Returned].
CS records
  • View details regarding cancellations, exchanges, and returns, as well as CS statuses.
Customer inquiries
  • Customer information and inquiries are displayed in the form of list.
  • Click [Add inquiry] to access the customer inquiry pop-up where you can save customer inquiries.
  • Any inquiries marked as completed cannot be edited.

Payment details

  • You can separately access initial payment details and final payment details where cancellation, exchange, and return details are also reflected.
  • Check payment information in details/basic view.
Payment history
  • Click the button to access the [Orders and Payments - Detailed History] pop-up where you can check payment history for the corresponding order.
  • You can check daily changes in payment amount arising from payments, returns, cancellations, etc.
Initial payment details - Total amount paid
  • It is the amount paid at the time of original payment, excluding discounts and alternative payment amount.
  • The amount above is equivalent to the refund amount to be paid when the corresponding order is canceled.
  • When coupon is restored for canceled orders, that amount will not be included in the total amount paid.
Final payment details - Total amount paid
  • This amount refers to the final payment amount of the relevant order and discount or alternative payment methods (points, credits, etc.) are not included.
  • Any refund amount related to cancellation, exchange, or return will be reflected in the final payment amount.
Total amount paid
  • This amount refers to the final payment amount of the relevant order and discount or alternative payment methods (points, credits, etc.) are not included.
  • Any refund amount related to cancellation, exchange, or return will be reflected in the final payment amount.
  • When coupon is restored for canceled orders, that amount will not be included in the total amount paid.

Payment method

  • You can access detailed information regarding the payment methods used at the time of placing the corresponding order.
Bank deposit
  • You can confirm payment for orders that have been paid for via bank deposit.
  • Click [Modify bank information] to access a pop-up where you can edit [Deposit by] and [Pay-in account].
  • The pay-in bank name and account number will be displayed as set by the customer in [Store settings>Payments>Payment policies>Bank account information].
  • If you click [Confirm payment], the order status will change to [Order in progress] or [Preparing for shipment].
Point payments
  • Points are recovered and become ready for reuse after cancellation, exchange, and return requests are accepted, and the corresponding refunds are made.

Refund details

  • You can check detailed information regarding any refunds made for cancellations, exchanges, and returns.
  • Note that payment methods may differ from refund methods.

Customer information

  • You can check the corresponding customer information.
  • For any orders made by online store customers, click [View details] and [View order history] to access the CRM pop-up where you can view detailed customer information.
  • Customer notifications will be displayed in [My shopping>Order details>Customer notifications], if applicable.
  • Click [Edit customer information] to access the [Update customer information] pop-up where you can edit customer information.
  • You can add guests suspected of having placed bad orders to the blocklist or remove them from the blocklist.
  • Click [Add to blocklist] to add the customer to the blocklist. All orders from this customer, including this order, will be marked as bad orders in [Orders>All orders].
    1. • Previous orders placed before adding the customer to the blocklist will not be considered to be blocklisted orders.
  • Click [Remove from blocklist] to remove this customer from the blocklist. Orders from this customer will not be marked as bad orders in [Orders>All orders].
    1. • Existing blocklisted orders will also be removed from the blocklist.
  • You can search bad orders by the mobile number or email of blocklisted customers.
    1. • If mobile number and email address are not available, add phone number.
  • These [Add to blocklist] and [Remove from blocklist] buttons are displayed only in guests’ [Order details] pop-up.

Shipping information

  • You can check the shipping information for the corresponding order.
  • Click [Edit recipient information] to access the [Change shipping information] pop-up where you can edit recipient information.
  • If you edit shipping information, [Recipient information last edited on] and [Records of shipping information edits] will also be displayed.
    1. Any changes made to [Shipping information] will be updated when clicking the order number of the corresponding order and accessing the [Order details] pop-up.

Admin memo

  • [Admin memo] allows the admin to manage special remarks and customer inquiries for each order.
  • Any content added to [Admin memos] may also be added to the [Customer inquiries] tab in [Order/CS].
  • If you enable [Add to [Customer inquiries]], any content added to [Admin memos] will also be added to the [Customer inquiries] tab in [Order/CS].
    1. Any editions or deletions made here will not be reflected in the [Customer inquiries] tab in [Order/CS].
  • [Memo content] is for admin to add memo on the relevant orders.
  • This can be helpful when dealing with customer requests or any other issues since useful data is recorded such as date, author (ID or sub-admin’s name), and IP address.
  • You cannot edit or delete any memos automatically added by the system unlike those manually added by the admin.
Add to [Customer inquiries]
  • If you enable [Add to [Customer inquiries]], any content added to [Admin memos] will also be added to the [Customer inquiries] tab in [Order/CS].
  • However, any editions or deletions made here will not be redefected in the [Customer inquiries] tab in [Order/CS].
Memo content
  • [Memo content] is for admin to add memo on the relevant orders.
  • This can be helpful when dealing with customer requests or any other issues since useful data is recorded such as date, author (ID or sub-admin’s name), and IP address.
  • Tick [Important memo] to display the [Important] icon for the relevant memo.
  • Tick [Pin to top] to pin the memo to the top and add a "Pin" icon to it.