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All orders

  • You can search all orders regardless of their status.

Search field

  • You can use various search filters, including [Order number, Date range, Product, Shipping carrier], and [Advanced search].
  • To ensure performance and system stability, the date range is limited to 6 months.
  • Click [Save filter settings] to save your search filter settings.
Save filter settings
  • You can save search filter settings under [Orders]. You can save a search filter setting by page, but not by tab.
  • The exceptions specified below will not be saved.
  • A maximum of ten search terms separated by commas can be entered into the search box.
    1. e.g. 20001212000, 20001212111, 20001212222
    1. {OR.SM.AO.40.06}
  • {OR.SM.AO.40.04::When entering an order number, you do not have to insert dashes in between the numbers.}
  • {OR.SM.AO.40.05::You can add up to five filters for multiple criteria-based searches.}
  • If you set the filter to [Product code], or [Variant code], you need to enter the exact search term to get search results.
  • If you set the filter to [Product name, Product tag, Manufacturer], or [Supplier], you can find items that partially or exactly match a search term.
Preferred shipping carrier/method
  • This feature will be displayed on the storefront if you select [Customer preference] for the [Shipping method] field under [Store settings>Shipping>Shipping policies>Shipping fee>General].
  • You can search for shipping carriers or methods selected by customers when they place an order.

Search results

  • If you enabled the [Track inventory] feature for a product, please tick the checkbox for [Enable out-of-stock icon] to prevent customers from purchasing out of stock products.
  • A [Remove] button will appear for unpaid orders only. If you click [Remove], the selected order will be removed from the search results table. If you want to delete order forms from your database, go to [Orders>Fulfillment (Tab)>Delete order forms].
Display shipping information
  • If you tick the checkbox for [Display shipping information], customer information will be displayed in the search results table.
Export as CSV
  • Use this feature to add additional items to the default template.
-CSV files are available for download immediately or on the following day, depending on the data size. - Print
  • You can print order forms, or transaction summaries with this feature.
  • When printing order forms, you can select [Order form (summary)] or [Order form (detailed)]. You can set up details in the [Order print settings] section under [Store settings>Orders>Order policies>Orders (After completion)].
  • If you click [Order form (summary)], the [Printing orders] window will pop up. You can select the items and sorting order before printing the order forms. However, the [Printing orders] window will not pop up if you have selected [Default setting].
  • If you click [Order form (detailed)], the items on the [Order details] page will be printed. You can select the items before printing if you have selected [Check before printing].
  • Select the items you want to display in the table.
  • You cannot deselect the required items. However, you can check or uncheck the rest of the items.
  • If you want to add or remove items from the table, check and uncheck the items you wish to display and remove, then click [Apply].
  • You can view or edit the memos written by customers or admins.
  • If there is a memo by customer or admin, [USER] and/or [ADMIN] icons will be activated, and you can put your mouse over to each icon to read the contents.
  • Click each icon to open [Customer’s delivery instructions] and [Admin memo] window.
  • By clicking the [USER] icon, you can open the [Customer delivery instructions] window and view the details.
  • By clicking the [ADMIN] icon, you can open the [Admin memo] window and view the details.
Product subtotal
  • The amount shown in gray is the amount paid per item.
  • Amount paid per item is the actual amount paid after deducting any discounts/alternative payments (product discounts, checkout discounts, points, credits, etc.) from the product subtotal.
  • Amount paid per item will not be displayed if [Automatic discount calculation] has been disabled during CS.