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Sales information

  • Even the products currently not on display can be purchased by customers as part of a bundle.
  • Customers will be able to place orders only when all the complementary products are added to cart. Products in the bundle cannot be purchased individually.
  • When a bundle is created, the sum of the product prices is shown as the total product price.
  • The price will be recalculated as below based on the bundle discount.
  • When percentage discounts are offered for bundles, the price is calculated by the following formula. Total product price - (Total product price x Bundle discount rate)
  • When manually entering the price: Total product price - Bundle discount
  • Discounts are applied to the price after the bundle discount.
  • When one of the composite products is a taxable product, the entire bundle will be considered taxable. The bundle is considered tax-free only when all composite products are tax-free.
  • If you do not “round off” when applying discount rates, the discount price will be rounded down under each store’s default payment currency.
  • (Round down to the nearest tenth for KRW, JPY, TWD, and VND. Round down to the nearest hundredth for other currencies.)
Replacement text for price
  • When [Replacement text for price] is enabled, the text entered will be displayed instead of the price. Products with [Replacement text for price] enabled cannot be purchased by customers.
Allow purchases
  • 회원/비회원/회원등급에 따라 해당 상품 구매 가능 여부를 설정할 수 있습니다.
Apply default settings
  • The option you selected for [Allow purchases] in the [Order/Order form] section of the [Orders] tab in [My Store>Store setup>General settings] will be applied.
회원만 구매 가능
  • These settings will be applied specifically to this product.
    1. [회원등급 설정]
    • 특정 회원등급만 구매 가능하도록 설정할 수 있습니다.
    • 멀티쇼핑몰 운영 시 회원등급은 반드시 쇼핑몰별로 설정해주세요. 각 쇼핑몰의 회원등급 설정 기본값은 전체등급 선택으로 제공됩니다.
    1. [구매 제한 대상에게 구매버튼 표시]
    • 체크 시, 비회원 혹은 선택하지 않은 회원등급은 구매할 수 없으나 구매버튼이 제공됩니다.
    1. [ID 당 한 번만 구매가능(재구매 불가)]
    • 체크 시, 회원 혹은 특정 회원등급만 구매하되 재구매할 수 없습니다. 한정 수량 판매 이벤트 시 활용해보세요.
Restrict individual purchase
  • When you select [Yes], the product cannot be purchased individually. The product must be added to an order with other products.
Individual payment method settings
  • If you set up individual payment methods for a product, customers can use the methods you offer.
  • {PR.PE.SP.SE.80.03}
  • {PR.PE.SP.SE.80.04}
Limit points
  • If you additional issue customer level-based points, amount of points issued will be determined based on the total product price not including the price of this product.
  • Incentives added in [Promotions>Incentives] will be displayed.
  • Incentives applied to specific product categories cannot be added or deleted.
  • If the incentives are the same in type and amount, the incentive that was added first will be applied. (Inapplicable discount amount will be shown with a negative(-))
  • Shipping fee discount will be applied to all products upon checkout. Per-product shipping settings will not be applied.
Customer level-based incentives
  • You can select whether to give additional customer level-based discount at product level.
  • Additional discount for customer levels can only be given by percentage discount (%). Discount by fixed amount (\) or points cannot be given at the product level.
  • You can manage customer level-based incentives in [Customers>Manage customers>Customer levels].
Display storewide promotion
  • You can select whether to display information on storewide promotion in product details page.