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  • You can apply and pay for domain registration.
  • When applying for a domain, make sure that you enter the correct owner and admin information.

About this service > Domain registrant (owner) information

Registrant name
  • You should enter the name on your ID (e.g. passport, driver’s license, etc.). Note that once the domain is registered, you have to contact Cafe24 Customer Support to update or change the registrant information.
  • A verification email will be sent to the registrant email when updating the registrant's information.
  • An update notification email will be sent to the registrant email when the registrant information is changed or updated.
  • A confirmation email will be delivered to the registrant email when domain registration is complete.
  • An ownership transfer confirmation email will be sent to both the former and new registrants’ emails when the domain ownership transfer is complete.
Registrant (owner) mobile
  • Enter only numbers in the input box.
Registrant (owner) phone
  • Enter only numbers in the input box.
Admin information
  • Select [Use registrant information] to automatically register the registrant's information as the admin information.
  • Select [Add admin information] if the registrant and admin information needs to be different.
Admin mobile
  • Enter only numbers in the input box.
Admin phone
  • Enter only numbers in the input box.
Requested domain
  • Domain names are given out on a first-come, first-served basis. So, it is better to use credit cards for fast payment confirmation
  • Domain registration cannot be completed without payment confirmation.