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Store pickup

  • Manage your store’s pickup location.
  • Registered store pickup locations will appear in the [Shipping/Returns] settings when adding a store pickup location. Select a location and configure store pickup settings in [Shipping/Returns].

Store pickup locations

Store pickup Store pickup service
  • Store pickup is an O2O (Online to Offline) service that allows customers to directly pick up items purchased online, from an offline store.
  • An offline store combined with marketing can help improve your sales.
  • You can offer a variety of services to your customers while attracting online customers to your offline store.
Store pickup management
  • You can add, modify, and delete a store pickup location.
  • To use the store pickup feature, go to [My Store>Shipping>Shipping/Returns] and set [Shipping method] to [Customer preference].
  • The store pickup location will be displayed as below on the checkout page.


  • Click on [Add] to bring up the [Registered place] pop-up window.
  • Enter the pickup location details and click on [Save] to add it.
  • You can enter details for Store name, Contact, Address, etc.
  • You can add a map of the store’s location.