Manage general settings for processing shipping and returns.
Configure settings for Shipping/Returns Default settings, Per-product shipping fee, Supplier shipping fee, Return address, etc.
Information for Shipping method, Available shipping zones, Shipping period, and Shipping rate are displayed in the store’s footer section.
■ When [Delivery service] is selected as the shipping method
Shipping method
You can select Delivery service, Registered mail (expedited), Shipping by vendor, Freight shipping, Quick delivery (for dosmestic orders only), Store pickup, Others, No shipping required, and Customer preference out of all the available shipping methods.
If you set [Shipping method] to [Customer preference], additional options for [Options for shipping carrier (method)], [Options for store pickup (location)], and [Enable store pickup by product] will be available.
Available shipping zones
You can enter the available shipping zones manually.
Shipping period
You can enter the shipping period manually.
Shipping rate type
Free shipping: No shipping fee is charged.
Fixed fee: Shipping fee specified by the admin is charged for all orders regardless of purchase amount.
By purchase amount: If the customer's purchase amount is less than the specified purchase amount, shipping fee is charged as specified. Shipping will be free if the customer's purchase amount is greater than the specified purchase amount.
Tiered shipping rates (by amount): Shipping fee specified by purchase amount range is charged. Shipping will be free if the customer's purchase amount is greater than the maximum value in the purchase amount range.
Tiered shipping rates (by weight): Specified shipping fee is charged based on the weight range you entered. Shipping will be free if the total weight of the products customer purchased is greater than the maximum value in the weight range.
Tiered shipping rates (by quantity): Specified shipping fee is charged based on the quantity range you entered. Shipping will be free if the number of products customer purchased is greater than the maximum value in the quantity range.
In proportion to quantity: Specified shipping fee is charged in proportion to the number of products purchased by the customer.
e.g. If the customer purchases one product, 50,000 will be charged. If the customer purchases two products, 100,000 will be charged as shipping fee.
■ Shipping method - Customer preference
Options for shipping carrier (method)
Select shipping carriers (method) that your customers can choose from when ordering from your online store.
Only shipping carriers registered in [My Store>Shipping>Shipping carriers] with the [Set shipping fee by carrier] set to [Yes] will be displayed.
Customers can be charged different shipping rates depending on the shipping carrier they choose. This feature uses the shipping rate set for each shipping carrier in the [Shipping carriers] menu.
Options for store pickup (location)
For store pickup, customers must visit the pickup location (offline store) to pick up their ordered product.
You can select pickup locations registered in [My Store>Shipping>Store pickup]. Select store pickup locations that your customers can choose from when ordering from your online store.
Stock pickup settings by product
Select [Enable] to enable store pickup settings by product.
To display the [Store pickup settings by product] option, go to [Products>Add products>Advanced settings>Shipping information (Tab)] and set [Shipping information] to [Apply default settings].
If a customer only orders a product with the store pickup option disabled, a shipping carrier must be selected for the order to be processed correctly.
■ Shipping rate - Fixed fee
Charge shipping fee by product category
Apply to the selected category - Shipping fee set in [Shipping rate settings] is only applied to products in the selected category. It is not applied to products in other categories.
If you select [Apply to the selected category] and no categories are selected, free shipping will be applied to all products as there are no categories to apply the shipping fee to. You must select select a category if you want to use this option.
Products covered by both applied and non-applied groups will be subject to the shipping fee set in [Shipping rate settings].
Exclude the selected category - Shipping is free for products in the selected category, while the shipping fee set in [Shipping rate settings] is only applied to products not in the selected category.
Shipping is free for products covered by both excluded and non-excluded product categories.
Base order amount for charging shipping fee
With this setting, you are choosing the base upon which the amount set in [Shipping fee] is calculated.
The default shipping fee will be applied if this value is lower than the set amount.
Based on regular price, before discount (Recommended)
The shipping fee is calculated based on the product price, before any discounts are applied.
Based on paid amount, after discounts
The shipping fee is calculated based on the discounted product price.
Only product discounts and checkout discounts can be applied. Shipping fee discounts are not included in this rule.
Points or credits used as alternative payment methods are also excluded from this rule.
If you select [Yes], [Individual settings] will be displayed as an option for [Shipping information] under [Shipping] in the [Edit product] pop-up window. Settings for individual product will be charged.
If you select [No], [Individual settings] will not displayed as an option for [Shipping information] under [Shipping] in the [Edit product] pop-up window. Default shipping fee will be charged according to the default settings set in [My Store>Shipping>Shipping/Returns].
If you change the [Enable per-product shipping fee] setting from [Yes] to [No], default shipping fee settings will be applied to products with per-product shipping fee option enabled.
Calculate per-product fee
When different variants of the same product are ordered, you can set whether to apply per-product shipping fee once per product, or for the total per variant.
If you enable the per-product shipping fee option, the product display order for the shopping cart and order form will change from the order in which products were added to the shopping cart, to the order corresponding to the per-product shipping fee option.
Supplier shipping fee
Supplier shipping feeApply shipping preferences set by supplier
Select [Enable] to enable shipping rates set by the shipping carrier.
Apply to
If you select a specific supplier, only the specified supplier can set the shipping rates per supplier.
Charge shipping fee
Based on order total - Shipping fee is based on the order total of both the supplier and head admin’s products.
Based on separate shipping fee calculation criteria for admin and supplier - Combine shipping fee based on the head admin's products with shipping fee based on the supplier’s products.
Regional surcharges
Based on admin settings - Regional surcharge set by the head admin in [Store settings>Shipping>Shipping policies>Regional surcharges] is also applied to the supplier’s products.
Please be aware that the head admin’s regional surcharge rate will override the regional surcharge set by the supplier.
Based on supplier settings - Suppliers can set and charge their own regional surcharges.
Regional surcharges can be set by logging into the supplier admin screen and going to [My Store>Shipping>Reginal Surcharge>Shipping zones].
Priority settings for free shipping
Priority settings for free shipping prevails over
You can set the shipping rate as free when a product eligible for free default shipping is ordered together with a product with per-product shipping or supplier shipping.
If [Per-product shipping fee] is checked, priority settings for free shipping is applied to the following:
Product with free default shipping + Product with per-product shipping fee = Free shipping
Product with default shipping fee + Product with free per-product shipping = Free shipping
If [Supplier shipping fee] is checked, priority settings for free shipping is applied to the following:
Product with free default shipping + Product with supplier shipping fee = Free shipping
Product with default shipping fee + Product with free supplier shipping fee = Default shipping fee
e.g. Products A, B, and C are sold at an online store with [Per-product shipping fee] checked and [Supplier shipping fee] unchecked. Product A has free default shipping, Product B has per-product shipping, and Product C has supplier shipping.
1. Products A + B: Free shipping (Because product A is eligible for free shipping, free shipping is also applied to B's per-product shipping)
2. Products A + C: Supplier shipping fee (Because the [Supplier shipping fee] option is unchecked, C’s supplier shipping fee is imposed)
3. Products B + C: Per-product shipping fee (C is more than the minimum purchase amount, so the shipping cost is 0. However, as the product is not eligible for free delivery, B’s per-product shipping fee is imposed)
International shipping
Product weight
Product weight entered in [Products>Add products>Advanced settings] will be applied by default. You can change each product's weight individually or change products weights all at once in [Products>Products>Bulk edit product data].
Weight of the packaged product measured altogether when the product is inside the packaging should be entered for [Product weight].
HS code
HS code refers to an international product nomenclature developed by the WCO (World Customs Organization) that describes the types of good shipped using a six-digit identification code. HS code is used as a basis for customs tariffs and the collection of international trade statistics.
Click on the [+] button to add HS codes by country.
HS code for shipping country is required to calculate the tax rate accurately.
You can search for the HS code country using the website below.
Available shipping countries
You can change the display order and limit deliveries to specific countries on the checkout page, or select [Ship to all countries] and display the whole country list.
Additional handling fee
You can add other types of additional fees that may be charged to the customer as part of the shipping fee.
Price range and additional handling fee for international shipping should be determined based on the sum of [Order total + Shipping fee] before applied discounts.
Please note that setting higher than normal additional handling fees may result in refund requests from customers due to the increased customs duties.
Product information for customs clearance (English)
Information entered will be used as product information for overseas customs clearance.
If you select [Apply different format by country], you can enter different information for each shipping country.
If you change the [Shipping country] to [Do not limit] after entering information for each country, information set for a different country may appear in the customs clearance information on the order form. In this case, information entered in [Common] will be applied.
You can add overseas customs clearance information for “Material (English)”, “Classification”, and “Fabric” of assigned products using the variable format.
[:category:] Classification
[:Material:] Material (English)
[:fabric:] Fabric
e.g. If [:category:] [:material:] - [:fabric:] is entered, a product will be displayed as “Women Skirt Cotton 100% - Knit”.
As you can enter additional information with the variables, it is recommended that you enter the name of your online store in English to the front of the variables for customs clearance.
Default shipping country
You can select which shipping country will be displayed as the default in the shipping information field on the checkout page.
The default shipping country will only be applied if there is no default shipping address or member information.
Additional policy on shipping fee
Additional policy
Additional message will be displayed under “Shipping” in the store’s policy guide.
Return address
You can set the return address for return products.
Return address
You can enter the return address for exchanging or returning products.
Use return address preference set by supplier
You can choose what information can be entered into the return address in the [Exchange/Returns] pop-up window when customer service requests are being processed for a supplier product.
If you select [Disable], the [Return address] information in [My Store>Shipping>Shipping/Returns] will be used.
If you select [Enable], the [Return address] information in [Products>Filtered search>By suppliers] will be used. If you select a specific supplier, only the specified supplier’s return address will be used.
If you change the settings for [Use return address preference set by supplier] or change the return address, you should inform your customers upon receiving exchange or refund requests to prevent misdelivered orders.
It is recommended that you set the [Use return address preference set by supplier] option to [Enable] for suppliers who use a direct shipping carrier.
Customers often use the shipping label address attached to the package when returning products for exchange or return.
It is therefore recommended that you use the return address set by the supplier for a deliveries via a direct shipping carrier, as there will be less chance of a shipping error when the sender address and return address are the same.
Preferred shipping carrier/method
Preferred shipping carrier/methodEnable preferred delivery date
Select [Enable] to allow customers to select a delivery date on the checkout page.
Date range
You can limit a customers’ preferred delivery date to a range based on the order date.
You can select a desired delivery date. e.g. To set the delivery date range to 3 days - For [3 days] from [1 day] after the order date.
Select a preferred delivery date on checkout
Set default delivery date as
You can set the default preferred delivery date displayed on the checkout page.
Enable preferred delivery time
Select [Enable] to allow customers to select a delivery time on the checkout page.
Time range
You can set a time range for customers' preferred delivery time.
You can add a specific range by selecting a [Start] ~ [End] time range and clicking on [Add]. You can also delete any registered time ranges.
Set default delivery time as
You can set a default preferred delivery time to be displayed on the checkout page.