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Web Manual


Shipping rate type
  • Free shipping: No shipping fee is charged.
  • Fixed fee: Shipping fee specified by the admin is charged for all orders regardless of purchase amount.
  • By purchase amount: If the customer's purchase amount is less than the specified purchase amount, shipping fee is charged as specified. Shipping will be free if the customer's purchase amount is greater than the specified purchase amount.
  • Tiered shipping rates (by amount): Shipping fee specified by purchase amount range is charged. Shipping will be free if the customer's purchase amount is greater than the maximum value in the purchase amount range.
  • Tiered shipping rates (by weight): Specified shipping fee is charged based on the weight range you entered. Shipping will be free if the total weight of the products customer purchased is greater than the maximum value in the weight range.
  • Tiered shipping rates (by quantity): Specified shipping fee is charged based on the quantity range you entered. Shipping will be free if the number of products customer purchased is greater than the maximum value in the quantity range.
  • In proportion to quantity: Specified shipping fee is charged in proportion to the number of products purchased by the customer.
  1. i.e. If the customer purchases one product, 65 will be charged, and if the customer purchases two products, 120 will be charged as shipping fee.-


  • {SH.DH.YR.80.02}
  • {SH.DH.YR.80.03}
  • {SH.DH.YR.80.04}
  • {SH.DH.YR.80.05}


  • {SH.DH.YR.100.02}
  • {SH.DH.YR.100.03}
  • {SH.DH.YR.110.02}
  • {SH.DH.YR.110.03}
  • {SH.DH.YR.110.04}
  • {SH.DH.YR.110.08}